I have a django template which I have to send as email body, the variables that i am sending are getting rendered in the email accordingly but the html tags used in the template are not rendering.开发者_运维百科Here is the code..
t = loader.get_template('registration/subscription_employee.html')
c = {'site_name': current_site.domain,'user': user,'employer':employer}
send_mail(("Subscription Agreement of %s")%data['username'], t.render(Context(c)), None, [settings.PAYPAL_PRIMARY_EMAIL,data['email']],fail_silently = True)
how can i ensure that html tags are also rendered accordingly.
By default, django sends text/plain emails, so you won't see any HTML in your letters.
You can change this, take a look at the documentation
from django.core.mail import EmailMultiAlternatives
subject, from_email, to = 'hello', 'from@example.com', 'to@example.com'
text_content = 'This is an important message.'
html_content = '<p>This is an <strong>important</strong> message.</p>'
msg = EmailMultiAlternatives(subject, text_content, from_email, [to])
msg.attach_alternative(html_content, "text/html")
You either need to use attach_alternative() or specify a content sub type for your message. See the docs on sending HTML emails: http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.3/topics/email/. The HTML-specific info is about halfway down the page. Hope that helps you out.
You're sending HTML message as plain text email. If you want to send HTML only, use EmailMessage and set add header {'Content-type': 'text/html'}
. Much user friendlier solution would be to send both text and HTML with EmailMultiAlternatives.