I have application that look like below
without spring (prior)
UI-> service --> 开发者_开发技巧javabean
p.s: my ui call service (not using DI) and i want to remain this way
new service()
I want my javabean to do DI for certain bean from applicationcontext.xml file. Should i use Applicationcontext.getBean(the ..xml) file in javabean or is there any better way to do it without changing the service layer and only modify the javabean in bold?
You should look at @Configurable annotation (Tutorial).
The basic idea is that you add this annotation to your bean class. It will then inject any properties as soon as you create a new instance:
public class Person {
private IPeopleDAO _dao;
public save() {
// use it like this
new Person("john", "doe").save();