Finally found some of my really old scripts I had written for an IRC Bot about 10 years ago. I had no idea what I was doing, and was wondering if anyone knew what this was written in and any information?
on *:sockread:$1:{
var %stattype $1
if ($sockerr) {
.notice [ %nickname [ $+ [ %stattype ] ] ] Error.
else {
var %statread
sockread %statread
if (Stat:* * * * iswm %statread) {
.tokenize 32 %statread
.notice [ %nickname [ $+ [ %stattype ] ] ] 1[ Username:7 $upper( [ %username [ $+ [ %stattype ] ] ] ) 1] [ Skill: 7 $upper(%stattype) 1]
.notice [ %nickname [ $+ [ %stattype ] ] ] 1[ Level:7 $3 1 $chr(124) Exp:7 $4 1 $chr(124) Rank:7 $2 1]
.notice [ %nickname [ $+ [ %stattype ] ] ] 1[ Next lvl:7 $calc($3 + 1) 1 $chr(124) Exp to:7 $bytes($calc( [ %lvl [ $+ [ $calc($3 + 1) ] ] ] - $remove($4,$chr(44))),b) 1]
.notice [ %nickname [ $开发者_如何学Python+ [ %stattype ] ] ] 1[ Bandits:7 $bytes($calc($calc( [ %lvl [ $+ [ $calc($3 + 1) ] ] ] - $remove($4,$chr(44)))/(51*1.33)),b) 1 $chr(124) S.Warriors:7 $bytes($calc($calc( [ %lvl [ $+ [ $calc($3 + 1) ] ] ] - $remove($4,$chr(44)))/(67*1.33)),b) 1 $chr(124) Dagg(74):7 $bytes($calc($calc( [ %lvl [ $+ [ $calc($3 + 1) ] ] ] - $remove($4,$chr(44)))/(70*1.33)),b) 1 $chr(124) Ogre(53)/Ice Warrior:7 $bytes($calc($calc( [ %lvl [ $+ [ $calc($3 + 1) ] ] ] - $remove($4,$chr(44)))/(60*1.33)),b) 1]
.sockclose %stattype
on $*:TEXT:$(/@(hp|att|str|ran|mag|pra|def|coo|woo|fir|fle|run|sla|min|smi|cra)/):#: {
var %stattype $left($remove($1,!,@),3)
.tokenize %stattype 32
if ($2 != $null) {
sockopen %stattype 80
set [ %username [ $+ [ %stattype ] ] ] $2
set [ %nickname [ $+ [ %stattype ] ] ] $nick
elseif ($2 == $null) {
sockopen hp 80
set [ %username [ $+ [ %stattype ] ] ] $nick
set [ %nickname [ $+ [ %stattype ] ] ] $nick
else {
.notice $nick Error. Sorry.
This is the mIRC scripting language for the mIRC client.
Oh and it seems to do something with (pff knowledge from when I was 12) training thieving on bandits in the game runescape through the service
MIRC Remote Events.
I'm sure that you wrote your program in the mIRC scripting language (inofficial mSL). You can find more about that on its official website. Currently i try to figure out what are you doing ;) I stay tuned.