I could not find an answer to this question anywhere so I have posted it.
Let's say I have multiple resource strings, like:
<string name="hello">Hello World, MainScreen!</string>
<string name="app_name">My Title</string>
And I reference them in my code like so:
But how can I access them like this?
String test = "hello";
String value = R.values.test;
I am trying to do something like this, but on a much larger s开发者_开发百科cale. Or is there a different, but better way of doing it?
In an Activity, this will work...
String value = getString(R.values.hello);
R.values.hello is an integer used as a 'lookup' for the actual string itself. All resources are handled this way.
The correct way to obtain those values would be
String name = CurrentClassName.this.getString(R.string.hello);
By using CurrentClassName.this you will assure that you can use it inside functions and nested classes.
I think this link might help you http://steven.bitsetters.com/2007/11/27/accessing-android-resources-by-name-at-runtime/
int id = getResources().getIdentifier("hello", "values", getPackageName());