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Closed 9 months ago.
Improve this questionThere are a number of Tkinter builders out there but none (that I've found) that work for Python 3. I don't have the time to learn Tkinter and don't use it much which is why I'm looking for a builder.
I'm new to Python and have decided to use 3.x as well. Might as well be up to speed on the future rather than the past. ;) I also spent weeks playing around with different environments that fit my needs - gui builder, support for sql. I ended up going with PyQT and Eric5 as the IDE. So far I'm pretty pleased with it.
Eric5 can be found here: http://eric-ide.python-projects.org/eric-download.html
Wow, pity I didn't get any useful responses. Fortunately I have discovered a solution. PyQt4 may not be Tkinter but it works just the same ... and works in python 3.x and comes with a GUI designer that is very neat. Takes a bit of research to know how to use it but well worth it
Here is an online GUI builder for Python:
It's not super-comprehensive--not all widgets are available to use. However, on the upside, it requires no software download/installation. Also, code for the GUI is generated in real-time and shown in a column on the right.
If you just need a very quick and easy GUI for Python, you can't beat it.
PAGE is a drag-and-drop GUI generator for Python and Tkinter. Latest version is Page 7.4 and works on py3 PAGE sourceforge link
Use the widget toolbar to drag and drop widgets, a handy attribute window sets the attributes.it saves work as .tcl file and you can genrate python code with a click the installation comes with a tutorial that covers almost all tkinter widgets that can be used.
Page also has a discord server invite link with support community