I have been trying to determine which combination of packages to use for a push messaging service behind a web site... My current idea is to go with Tornado + Socket.IO (Tornadio) and ZMQ. But I was also looking at involving Mongrel2. Then there is also a similar project called Brubeck, that takes from Tornado, using ZMQ and Eventlet. My main question is this... I'm trying to understand where the benefit of Mongrel2 would come into play if I were to use Tornado. At that point, is Tornado even necessary? I figured at that point I would just be writing a Mongrel2 python handler and thats it. I would like to focus on using websockets/jssockets which is why using Socket.IO was interesting since it handles all the backwards compatibility under the hood for you.
If the tools in the mix for consideration are: Python focus, Tornado, Mongrel2, ZMQ, Brubeck, and Socket.IO, what recommendations would you have for the best mix to support websockets? Having Mon开发者_开发问答grel2 was really appealing for the idea of scalability, and just turning on more python handlers.
Update 1/1/2012
At first went with Tornado + TornadIO + ZeroMQ, and had a working server. But ultimately I ended up learning Go (www.golang.org) and rewrote my server using pure Go with its built in concurrency. Ended up being faster than python by over 10x even with more features than my Python version: http://www.justinfx.com/2011/07/28/go-language-for-python-programmers/
It seems to keep on picking up speed as the Go team makes more releases towards Go 1.0
Sounds like a job for the Flash/Javascript binding. http://www.zeromq.org/bindings:javascript
That way you have a ZMQ app in the browser that is a SUB to whatever PUB sockets are pushing relevant messages.
I am adding my own update to this question as the answer, since I never received any other answers, and so I can close this one down...
At first went with Tornado + TornadIO + ZeroMQ, and had a working server. But ultimately I ended up learning Go (www.golang.org) and rewrote my server using pure Go with its built in concurrency. Ended up being faster than python by over 10x even with more features than my Python version: http://www.justinfx.com/2011/07/28/go-language-for-python-programmers/
It seems to keep on picking up speed as the Go team makes more releases towards Go 1.0