Could anybody tell me a good base app for Rails 3?
After doing a research, I think this is a great base app:
It provides the following:
- Layout
- Tabs
- Global links
- Optional sidebar
- Notice, warning and error flash messages
- Both a default stylesheet as well as a ‘clean’ one are included for easy layout development.
- Default dashboard page
- Administration panel where you can: Manage users (add, delete, purge, suspend, activate, send new passwords)
- Manage settings
- Manage site wide timed announcements
- Post-Commit Hooks ready to roll for Campfire, Basecamp, FriendFeed, Twitter and custom URL.
- User authentication, with password recovery and login recovery and account activation (by email)
- User Profiles: Location, Website, Full name fields by default, easily extendible. Gravatar for avatar support
- Mobile Ready
- Auto detect mobile users/visitors and display different views.
- Based on the JQTouch framework, making it easy to theme.
- Devise
- Declarative Authorization
Rails Wizard is a great way to build Rails apps. Here's a reasonable template:
"Base rails 3 app with devise, rspec, cucumber, capybara, jquery, and machinist":