Given the following line of Objective-C code:
[NSString stringWithFormat:@"\n Elapsed Time \n Battery Level: \n Torque: \n Energy Used \n Energy Regenerated:\n Cadence: \n Battery Temp: \n Motor Temp: \n Incline: \n Speed MPH: \n Speed KPH:\n Avg Speed MPH: \n Avg Speed KPH:\n Distance Miles:\n Distance Km: \n Time Date Stamp:\n"];
In 开发者_JAVA技巧Xcode or any code editor, is it possible to avoid having a very long string that must be read by scrolling across it in the editor?
Is there a way of breaking it up into multiple lines? I am finding that if I try to do this, the code will not compile, because the compiler reaches the end of a line and does not see the closing quotation mark ("
) for the string.
Does anyone know a way around this?
Yes there is. Adjacent strings will be concatenated for you by the compiler.
NSString *info = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"\n Elapsed Time \n"
"Battery Level: \n"
"Torque: \n"
"Energy Used \n"
"Energy Regenerated:\n Cadence: \n"
"Battery Temp: \n"
"Motor Temp: \n"
"Incline: \n Speed MPH: \n"
"Speed KPH:\n"
"Avg Speed MPH: %f \n"
"Avg Speed KPH:\n"
"Distance Miles:\n"
"Distance Km: \n"
"Time Date Stamp:\n"];
This is more of an interesting feature than an useful answer, but...
// your code goes with that indentation (1 tab = 4 spaces)
NSString *myString = @"first line\
second line\
third line\
last line";
// next lines of codes
But you really have to mind the indentation, doing NSLog(@"%@", myString)
for above, would result in: first linesecond linethird line...last line
Now consider this example:
// your code goes with that indentation (1 tab = 4 spaces)
NSString *myString = @"first line\
second line\
third line\
last line";
// next lines of codes
this would give: first lineXsecond lineXthird lineX...Xlast line"
, where those nasty X's would be replaced by 4 spaces (tabulator had 4 spaces in this case, and I couldn't get right formatting, sorry). So, additional spacing can really stop you from getting expected results.