I'm looping over an array of JSON data returned from couchdb, and added the data to an array then returning the array, The array should contain the rows from couchdb but []
is returned.
var Album = {
all: function() {
var data, albums = [];
request({ uri: ''}, function(error, response, body) {
if (error) throw error;
data = JSON.parse(body);
data.rows.forEach(function(d) {
request({ uri: '' + d.id }, function(error, response, body) {
if (error) throw error;
return albums;
will be returned initially, although once the callback executes the array will contain the necessary data. That's the nature of node's callbacks - they are asynchronous.
To add to what davin said, you normally handle asynchronous operations with callbacks. The problem with your code is that if you have n different albums, you have n different request operations happening simultaneously but you have no way of knowing when they all finish.
I'm not a Node.js guy, so maybe there are utilities to handle this, but with vanilla javascript, here's how I would handle such a thing with minimal changes to your code.
Here's some pseudo-javascript for brevity
Album.all = function(callback){
request( "_all_docs", function(albums){
var albumsLeft = albums.length;
var results = [];
albums.forEach( function(album_id){
request( "albums/" + album_id, function(album){
albumsLeft -= 1;
if( albumsLeft === 0){