When using self-referencing relationships and attempting to add objects, .SaveChanges() fails with “Unable to determine the principle end of the ‘PlannerModel.FK_PlanItem_PlanItem’ relationship. Multiple added entities may have the same primary key.”.
plannerContext = new PlannerEntities2();
var unitPlanQuery = from d in plannerContext.UnitPlans
where d.TeacherId == sourceTeacherId
orderby d.TeacherId
select d;
var planItem = new PlanItem();
ClonePlanItem(pi, planItem); // where pi is original PlanItem
planItem.ParentPlanItem = (PlanItem)pla开发者_JAVA技巧nItemsAddedHT[pi.ParentPlanItemId];
// above object on right is the previously added PlanItem
I went back to my code and commented it up such that I knew for sure only a single call to ‘plannerContect.PlanItems.AddObject(planItem)’ was taking place. Thus there was only a single object to insert. The error message changed to:
“Unable to determine a valid ordering for dependent operations. Dependencies may exist due to foreign key constraints, model requirements, or store-generated values.”
I went back and added “Allow Nulls” to the ParentPlanItemId column in SQL Management Studio (SQL Server 2008 btw), and refreshed my model…but this did not make a difference.
Table: PlanItem
PlanItem int PK, identity
ParentPlanItemID int , allow null
ItemText varchar(200)
Referential Constraint from Model Designer: Principal = PlanItem; Principal Key = PlanItemId; Dependant Property = ParentPlanItemId
Association from Model Designer:
AssociationSet Name: FK_PlanItem_PlanItem
End1 Multipllicity: 1(One Of PlanItem)
End1 Navigation prop: PlanItem1
End2 Multuplicity: * (Collection of PlanItem)
End2 Nav: ParentPlanItem
Name: FK_PlanItem_PlanItem
Have you tried setting directly
You would actually set it to a particular plan item identifier (that you already have from before as I understood you) that already exists in the DB. I'm not saying it would work, but it's worth a try. I've used these *Reference
properties several times to speed up the process if insertion and sometimes also reading.
Check this blog post for further reference.
Turns out, setting the parent property like I was doing was not the problem. For a self-referencing table like this, the multiplicity needed to be (zero or 1) and the property of ParentPlanItemId needed to allow nulls.
Cheers to all!