This is my first real attempt with C and regex so bear with me... I have a array of patterns (shortener_patterns) in which I pass to compile_patterns
along with the count and array for compiled patterns (shortener_r_patterns). I am able to compile the patterns but the code will segfault on regexec
. I guessing that it has something to do with how I am referencing shortener_r_patterns
and my lack of fully understanding pointers. Or perhaps they are not getting compiled properly in the first place. Can someone get me going in the right direction?
char **shortener_patterns = '\0';
regex_t **shortener_r_patterns;
int *shortener_count = 0;
int compile_patterns(char **patterns, regex_t **r_patterns, int *count, int *compiled_count) {
static int i;
if (!(r_patterns = calloc(count, sizeof(regex_t)))) {
return -1;
for (i=0; i<count; i++) {
log(5, "compiling pattern %i: %s\n", i, patterns[i]);
if (regcomp(&(r_patterns[i]), patterns[i], REG_EXTENDED|REG_NEWLINE|REG_ICASE|REG_NOSUB) != 0) {
log(1, "invalid pattern: %s\n", patterns[i]);
return -1;
// increment the compiled count
log(3, "finished compiling %i\n", count);
return 0;
int check_shortener(char *domain) {
static int i;
if (!shortener_count) {
return 0;
for (i=0; i<shortener_count; i++) {
log(5, "checking shortner pattern '%s' against %s:%d\n", shortener_patterns[i], domain, i);
if (regexec(&(shortener_r_patterns[i]), domain, 0, 0, 0) == 0) {
log(1, "pattern %i '%s' found in %s\n", i, shortener_patterns[i], domain);
return 1;
return 0;
Here is where I am scanning a file to get the contents for my patterns, adding to array and then finally compiling the array of patterns.
-- snip --
while ((rc = fscanf(f, "%254[^\n]", buf)) > 0) {
if (buf[0] == '#') {
fscanf(f, "\n");
newshortener = realloc(shortener_patterns, sizeof(char *) *(count+1));
if (newshortener) {
shortener_patterns = newshortener;
else {
log(0, "could not realloc memory for shortener patterns\n");
return -1;
shortener_patterns[count++] = strdup(buf);
fscanf(f, "\n");
if (compile_patterns(shortener_patterns, shortener_r_patterns, count, &shortener_count) > 0) {
log(0, "Failed to compile %s patterns\n", sfile);
-- snip --
does not have any space, you have defined it as an int *
then set the pointer to 0, then you access the pointer.