I'm trying to compile ZipArchive with my project. I imported all the source files, including the minizip files and I am at a loss to understand these errors. I've tried a dozen other ways to incorporate compression/decompression into my iphone project, all with out success. ZipArchive seems to be the best library out, and this problem looks like it's a simple build settings configuration problem but I cannot figure it out.
Undefined symbols for architecture armv6:
"_zipClose", referenced from:
-[ZipArchive CloseZipFile2] in ZipArchive.o
"_zipOpenNewFileInZip3", referenced from:
-[ZipArchive addFileToZip:newname:] in ZipArchive.o
"_unzOpenCurrentFile", referenced from:
-[ZipArchive UnzipFileTo:overWrite:] in ZipArchive.o
"_unzGetGlobalInfo", referenced from:
-[ZipArchive UnzipOpenFile:] in ZipArchive.o
"_unzReadCurrentFile", referenced from:
-[ZipArchive UnzipFileTo:overWrite:] in ZipA开发者_开发技巧rchive.o
"_unzOpen", referenced from:
-[ZipArchive UnzipOpenFile:] in ZipArchive.o
"_unzCloseCurrentFile", referenced from:
-[ZipArchive UnzipFileTo:overWrite:] in ZipArchive.o
"_zipWriteInFileInZip", referenced from:
-[ZipArchive addFileToZip:newname:] in ZipArchive.o
"_zipOpenNewFileInZip", referenced from:
-[ZipArchive addFileToZip:newname:] in ZipArchive.o
"_unzGoToFirstFile", referenced from:
-[ZipArchive UnzipFileTo:overWrite:] in ZipArchive.o
"_unzGetCurrentFileInfo", referenced from:
-[ZipArchive UnzipFileTo:overWrite:] in ZipArchive.o
"_zipCloseFileInZip", referenced from:
-[ZipArchive addFileToZip:newname:] in ZipArchive.o
"_unzClose", referenced from:
-[ZipArchive UnzipCloseFile] in ZipArchive.o
"_zipOpen", referenced from:
-[ZipArchive CreateZipFile2:] in ZipArchive.o
"_unzGoToNextFile", referenced from:
-[ZipArchive UnzipFileTo:overWrite:] in ZipArchive.o
"_unzOpenCurrentFilePassword", referenced from:
-[ZipArchive UnzipFileTo:overWrite:] in ZipArchive.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture armv6
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
I had exactly the same issue. I use Xcode 4.4 for iOS 5.1. And I solved it this way:
- Remove the all ZipArchive-Files incl. Minizip-Folder from your project - move to trash.
- Re-Add both ZipArchive-Files and the Minitip-Folder and ENSURE YOU SELECT THE OPTION "Create groups for any added folder" instead of "Create folder references for any added folder".
- if you use ARC, then add to all Build Phases -> Compile Sources ZipArchive-Items the option "-fno-objc-arc"
That´s it - good luck.
When I tried it will easily compiled with following link
I just take folder in following Form
minizip (Folder)
Then just drag & drop ZipArchive folder in to xCode "Classes".
Then add framework libz.1.2.3.dylib.
That's it. My code get compile without any issue.
I got it working by adding "/usr/lib/libz.dylib" to the Other Link Flags in the targets section of Project settings.
It worked for me with Minizip.
I also fell into this same case....
But I found the following resolution.
I solved it this way:
・When you add ZipArchive-Files and the Minitip-Folder to your project, you should check "Copy items if needed" and "Create groups".
That's all.
I got this working by adding libz.tdb file. (Xcode 7, iOS 9). Error gone.