I'm blanking out trying to write a simple function to count the string length recursively.
I can do sums, fibonacc开发者_如何学JAVAi, and factorial easy but I'm trying to create the simplest function with only one parameter, I don't like having a second just as a counter index..
Can any post something small for me?
Is this what you are looking for?
def recursiveLength(theString):
if theString == '': return 0
return 1 + recursiveLength(theString[1:])
This does it:
def length(s):
return 0 if s == '' else 1 + length(s[:-1])
print length('hello world') # prints 11
Functional haskell style
>>> def RecListValue(list_value):
return type(list_value) in [list,str,tuple] and list_value and 1+RecListValue(list_value[1:]) or 0
>>> example_struct = [range(10), ("one",)*12, "simple string", 12]
>>> map(RecListValue, example_struct)
[10, 12, 13, 0]
If it doesn't have to be tail-recursive:
def strlen(s):
if s == '':
return 0
return 1 + strlen(s[1:])
It's pretty inefficient though.