Please help me - I need to make full re-initialization of CKeditor. I don't want to make re-initialization of instances of CKeditor, but I want fully reload it. Is there any way to implement it? I tried to made next:
delete window.CKEDITOR;
and then:
//clear for old sources
$('script[src*="/includes/contentEditor/ckeditor/"]').each(function() {
$(开发者_运维知识库'link[href*="/includes/contentEditor/ckeditor/"]').each(function() {
//load CKeditor again
contentEditor.loadjscssfile('/includes/contentEditor/ckeditor/ckeditor.js', 'js');
contentEditor.loadjscssfile('/includes/contentEditor/ckeditor/adapters/jquery.js', 'js');
My method loads editor but some plugins does not work after reloading. Thanks for any help!
I have plugins and I don't need to fully reinitialize CKEditor either, just instances, are you doing it properly?
To remove my instance (my textarea is referenced by ID txt_postMsg):
Then I re-create the textarea, and after a 50ms timeout I call the constructor with the textarea again, plugins reload fine. We have some pretty complex plugins for flash/image editing so maybe there's an issue with your plugin?
My version:
$$("textarea._cke").each(function(Z) {
if (typeof(CKEDITOR.instances[]) == 'undefined') {
CKEDITOR.replace(, { customConfig : "yourconfig.js"});
} else {
CKEDITOR.replace(, { customConfig : "yourconfig.js"});
try something like
for(var instanceName in CKEDITOR.instances)
AlfonsoML I use CKeditor for dynamically edit different part of site. When I click on some area of the site it shows popup with CKeditor with content of this area above this area. When I save it I destroy instance of this editor, but if while editing I use link plugin CKeditor can't show editor without page refreshing. Chrome says - Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'split' of undefined, Mozilla - is undefined(I try to set and it show another error - z is undefined).
I hope the full re-init can help.
P.S. Sorry I can find how to answer on your comment...
I've been looking for a way to re-initialize the editor and the only solution that I end up is to delete the instance and create a new ID.
Here's my code.
var editor = 'myeditor'
var instance = CKEDITOR.instances[editor];
if(typeof instance != 'undefined')
$(".cke_editor_" + editor).remove();
//make a new id
editor = (Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 10););
It's not perfect but it works.
Hope this helps.
This is my solution:
var editor = CKEDITOR.instances[your_ckeditor_id];
editor.mode = 'source';
var editor = CKEDITOR.instances[your_ckeditor_id];