How to boot Windows XP from Smalltalk Virtual Machine?
UPD. Sorry, guys :) It was a sort of joke... Actually I like this kind of questions, when we change the order of statements, So in that case it is possible to get interesting answers for different interpretation of such "reversed" questions :)
It's like a process of investigation if given operator (in terms of functional analysis) is bijective...
At least with SqueakNOS you can directly boot your machine and don't even need a OS to run :)
You've got it backwards. Langugage virtual machines like SmallTalk's and the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) are programs that run "virtual assembly code". Virtualization software like VMWare run native assembly code in a virtual machine. Windows XP is written in (mostly) C and C++, and is compiled to native code.
Language Virtual Machines work like this:
[Smalltalk/Java Bytecode]
[SmallTalk/Java Bytecode Machine]
[Native Machine]
What you want is a virtulalization program like VMWare, or xVM Virtual Box that creates a virtual computer on top of a real computer, with no instruction conversion/mapping.