I am developing an application that queries PeriodicTable ontology. Is 开发者_如何学Gothere some other ontology similar to this that can be queried with it? Basically, I am in search of ontology that can I query with the PeriodicTable ontology and extract meaningful data. PeriodicTable ontology contains all the elements of periodic table with their name, symbol, and atomic number.
Sure you can query dbpedia's SPARQL endpoint http://dbpedia.org/sparql
For example ...
select * where { <http://dbpedia.org/resource/Hydrogen> ?p ?o}
Also from OpenCYC, see:
And from http://sameAs.org you can also get equivalent Linked Data URIs for a given element. See ...
For an integrated search http://sameas.org is a very valuable resource. You can use its restful API for finding URIs that refer to the same Periodic element, then HTTP resolve each of those to get the RDF data.
how to get all the periodic element with curl
The following command will download the RDF document for Hydrogen from dbpedia:
curl -L -H "Accept: application/rdf+xml" http://dbpedia.org/resource/Hydrogen
If you have the names of all the elements you can try to resolve all of them and put then in a local store.