
Is there an easy way to make a Rails ActiveRecord model read-only?

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-02-24 09:12 出处:网络
I want to be able to create a record in the DB but then prevent Rails from making changes from that point on.I understand changes will still be possible at the DB level.

I want to be able to create a record in the DB but then prevent Rails from making changes from that point on. I understand changes will still be possible at the DB level.

I believe attr_readonly does what I want on an attribute level, but I don't want to have to manually specify fields... I would rather have more of a white-list approach.

Al开发者_JAVA技巧so, I know there is a :read_only option for associations, but I don't want to limit the "readonlyness" of the object to if it was fetched via an association or not.

Finally, I want to be able to still destroy a record so stuff like :dependent => :destroy works in the associations.

So, to summarize: 1) allow the creation of records, 2) allow the deletion of records, and 3) prevent changing records that have been persisted.

Looking at ActiveRecord::Persistence, everything ends up calling create_or_update behind the scenes.

def create_or_update
  raise ReadOnlyRecord if readonly?
  result = new_record? ? create : update
  result != false

So! Just:

def readonly?

I've found a more concise solution, which uses the after_initialize callback:

class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
  after_initialize :readonly!

Why not just create a user on the database that has read only access, and have rails use that account.

However if you want model level access, you can add the following to a specific model:

 def readonly?

  def before_destroy
    raise ActiveRecord::ReadOnlyRecord

This blog post is still valid: http://ariejan.net/2008/08/17/activerecord-read-only-models/

Basically you can rely on ActiveRecord's validation if you add a method:

def readonly?

TL;DR for OP's

class YourModel < ActiveRecord::Base
  before_save { false } # prevent create & update, allows destroy

  # ... 


  • To prevent creates only: before_create { false }
  • To prevent updates only: before_update { false }
  • To prevent destroys only: before_destroy { false } # does not prevent delete

See also: http://guides.rubyonrails.org/active_record_callbacks.html

This seems to be fairly effective and is probably a bit overkill, but for my case, I really want to be sure my application will never create, save, update, or destroy any records in the model, ever.

module ReadOnlyModel
  def readonly?() true end
  def create_or_update() raise ActiveRecord::ReadOnlyRecord end
  before_create { raise ActiveRecord::ReadOnlyRecord }
  before_destroy { raise ActiveRecord::ReadOnlyRecord }
  before_save { raise ActiveRecord::ReadOnlyRecord }
  before_update { raise ActiveRecord::ReadOnlyRecord }

class MyModel < ActiveRecord::Base
  include ReadOnlyModel
  # ...

Since OP asked to be able to create and destroy but not save or update I believe this will work

module SaveAndDestroyOnlyModel
  before_save { raise ActiveRecord::ReadOnlyRecord }
  before_update { raise ActiveRecord::ReadOnlyRecord }

class MyModel < ActiveRecord::Base
  include SaveAndDestroyOnlyModel
  # ...

Not exactly the right exception, but close enough I think.

A custom validator can do this:

validate :nothing_changed, unless: :new_record? # make immutable


def nothing_changed
  errors.add(:base, "Record is read-only") if self.changed?

Looking for a way to achieve the same control proposed by @Nate (avoiding any kind of create/update/delete) but using this only in specific parts of my application and for all models at once I have created this Ruby refinement:

module ReadOnlyRailsMode
  CLASS_METHODS    = ActiveRecord::Base.methods
    .select { |m| m =~ /(update|create|destroy|delete|save)[^\?]*$/ }

  INSTANCE_METHODS = ActiveRecord::Base.instance_methods
    .select { |m| m =~ /(update|create|destroy|delete|save)[^\?]*$/ }

  refine ActiveRecord::Base.singleton_class do
    CLASS_METHODS.each do |m|
      define_method(m) do |*args|
        raise ActiveRecord::ReadOnlyRecord

  refine ActiveRecord::Base do
    def readonly?; true; end

    INSTANCE_METHODS.each do |m|
      define_method(m) do |*args|
        raise ActiveRecord::ReadOnlyRecord

And to use it only in a specific portion of the code:

class MyCoolMailerPreview < ActionMailer::Preview
  using ReadOnlyRailsMode 

(This is a real use case, I was looking for a way to avoid people creating and editing real records from inside ActionMailer::Previews because I want to allow previews in production, but if by mistake anyone creates a preview which changes real data, this would became a chaos).

The code is a little ugly redefining all methods (create, create!, etc) because the intent is to change the behavior of all models, and callbacks like "before_create" can't be used for this purpose since they would not be locally only to the "using" scope, changing the whole application.

This approach is working for me, I can explicitly block all this methods for all models in just one class, and don't mess with the rest of the application. Unfortunately, until now, refinements don't apply to sub classes, so in my case I was not able to block all inserts by default into the parent class (ActionMailer::Preview), which was my original goal, but blocking per class is a good starting point.

My application requires refining all methods, but the control can be done for just the interesting methods like destroy, or update and them this can works for all cases, including the one from the original question.

.default_scope seems to also work, though some of the above answers may be better as this way could be circumvented by using .unscoped. Though, that may be beneficial for some peoples needs.

Example with Postgres making a temporary, read only model to query the pg_type table.

Class.new(ActiveRecord::Base) { self.table_name = 'pg_type'; self.primary_key = :oid; default_scope { readonly } }.first.readonly?
# => true


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