i'm working with eclipse c/c++ helios.
i'm using template projects with makefile with a multimedia framework. all dll dependencies are specified in makefile, so no nightmare.
i have an empty projects template, so each time i had to start a new project i have to make a new copy of that folder, import in eclipse as a makefile project.
despite of this simplicity i have to :
1) add project references
2)make a new launch configurations: right-click on project > properties > run/debug settings > new.. and set somethings
i know that handle this with an eclipse plugin but i'm not interest in that.
i would like to make a little python script that copy emptyProject folder, edit .project or .cproject or whatever, and do the boring launch configuration for me. project refere开发者_运维知识库nces are in .project file,
but new launch configurations? where it is? where can i find that informations? in .project or .cproject i didn't find anything. wherelse can i looking for?
i worked it out due to this post: How do I save Eclipse launch profiles across workspaces?
i found the asnwer.
the place for launch configurations is: