Whenever my application throws an unhandled exception, I would like WinDbg to catch that exception on my debugging machine rather than Dr. Watson, e开发者_运维知识库tc. How can this be configured?
Run windbg -I
to install it at the default post mortem debugger.
As Kurt points out below WinDbg comes in both 32 and 64 bit versions. Executing windbg -I
sets up the post mortem debugger for the processes corresponding to the bitness of the debugger.
You can install both versions of WinDbg side-by-side if you need to have both the 32 and 64 bit versions available.
From the help file:
Installs WinDbg as the postmortem debugger. For details, see Enabling Postmortem Debugging. After this action is attempted, a success or failure message is displayed. If S is included, this procedure is done silently if it is successful; only failure messages are displayed. The -I parameter must not be used with any other parameters. This command will not actually start WinDbg, although a WinDbg window may appear for a moment.
Here is a registry file for setting WinDbg as the managed debugger and native debugger:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
;This reg file installs just-in-time debuggers to capture a dump of all process
;crashes for the machine.
;Assumes 32-bit debugger is cdb.exe and is installed to C:\debuggers\x86\.
;Assumes 64-bit debugger is cdb.exe and is installed to C:\debuggers\x64\.
;Assumes crash dumps can be written to C:\crash_dumps\.
;Make sure all users have write access to this directory.
"DbgManagedDebugger"="\"c:\\debuggers\\x64\\windbg.exe\" -pv -p %ld "
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AeDebug]
"Debugger"="\"c:\\debuggers\\x64\\windbg.exe\" -pv -p %ld "
;The following keys are only used on 64-bit versions of Windows (note Wow6432Node).
;They can be safely created with no side-effects on 32-bit versions of Windows.
;Alternatively, you can delete the remainder of this file if you’re running a
;32-bit version of Windows.
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AeDebug]
"Debugger"="\"c:\\debuggers\\x86\\windbg.exe\" -pv -p %ld "
Automatically Capturing a Dump When a Process Crashes is a writeup about this from the CLR team.