2 years ago i was using mysql security providers [membership,role] from code-project article:
do we still need that or the current mysql-connector provide that? i saw something called [MySql.Web.dll] so is that a replacement or not!
please en-light and guide me,
You can use the MySQL Providers. They work great. No need for other providers. The advantage of your custom provider is maybe just more flexibility. We customized our own provider, so we cannot switch.
Not sure what more you wanna know?
I believe you still need a third party or custom build provider to connect to a MySQL database, check out http://schleichermann.wordpress.com/2009/10/21/asp-net-mysql-membership-provider/. This will walk you through using MySQL .Net connectors
EDIT you can of course use the link you've provided in your question as well. I'm just not sure how out of date that might be.