I'm changing the img src on click using javascript.
I'm trying to determine whether to switch on or off.
I'm testing the following:
var img_el = documen开发者_高级运维t.getElementById("on_off_img");
if ( img_el.src == 'img/on.png' ) {
img_el.src = 'img/off.png'
} else {
img_el.src = 'img/on.png'
My problem is that i never get a match - it looks like img_el.src returns the full URL... Is there a function to just test the actual filename instead of the full string to the file?
Or is there a better way to manage the click?
use indexOf() instead of comparing the src
var img_el = document.getElementById("on_off_img");
if ( img_el.src.indexOf('on.png') > -1) {
img_el.src = 'img/off.png'
} else {
img_el.src = 'img/on.png'
Yuo can always use indexOf
if(img_el.src.indexOf('img/on.png') > -1){
img_el.src = 'img/off.png'
img_el.src = 'img/on.png'
To shorten this even more, you can use a ternary operator:
var img_el = document.getElementById("on_off_img"),
isOn = img_el.src.indexOf('on.png')>-1;
img_el.src = isOn ? 'img/off.png' : 'img/on.png';
You can use match statement aswell.
var img_el = document.getElementById("on_off_img");
if ( img_el.src.match("on.png"))
img_el.src = 'img/off.png'
} else
img_el.src = 'img/on.png'
Try using JQuery:
if($(this)[0].nameProp == "on.png")