Maybe this question is so easy... I understand html, css, the dom and javascript pretty good, but I'm having a very tough time while trying to get jQuery to work for me. Let's say I have the following 4 columns table, with columns 1 and 3 hidden:
<table id="mytable">
<th class="hidden">Column1</th>
<th class="hidden">Column3</th>
<td class="hidden">Value1</td>
<td>Isle of Palms</td>
<td class="hidden">Value3</td>
Then I use the following code to hide the hidden class columns:
$(function() {
Yesterday some of you told me how to get the first column content by using:
$(function() {
What I want to do is to show an alert or Thickbox showing the header name and cell value for all the hidden columns:
Column1 = Value1
Column3 = Value3
If it were easier to do, I could group all the hidden columns at the beginning (to the left) of the table.
Thanks in advance.
Try this out
var mytable = $('#mytable');
$('#mytable > tbody').delegate('tr', 'click', function (e) {
trToShow = $(this);
var keyValueInfo = mytable.find('th.hidden').map(function () {
// for each th.hidden element, get the corresponding "key = value" string
var i = $(this).index(); // get the index of the th element
// get the td element with the same index as the above th, and get the text inside it
var value = trToShow.find('td.hidden').filter(function () {
return $(this).index() === i;
// The above could also be done as (Read documentation of :eq selector)
// var value = trToShow.find('td:eq(' + i + ')').text();
// get the text inside this th element, which would be our key
var key = $(this).text();
// return the "key = value" string wrapped up in a div element
return '<div>' + key + ' = ' + value + '</div>';
// Show a dialog with the above content inside it
Read more up on index
I haven't tested it, but if any, there should only be minor silly errors. Tested here