How do you get a reference to a function in a module when the module is dynamically specified and you'll be passing it to a higher order function?
Mod = compare_funs,
lists:sort(fun Mod:compare/开发者_JAVA技巧2, List).
Only, this won't compile. One way would be to wrap a call to the target function in an anonymous fun, but I was wondering if there's a way to get a reference directly.
From the documentation at:
We can also refer to a function defined in a different module with the following syntax:
F = {Module, FunctionName}
In this case, the function must be exported from the module in question.
For example, you might do:
-export([compare/2, test/2]).
compare(X, Y) when X > Y ->
compare(X, Y) ->
test(Mod, List) ->
lists:sort({Mod, compare}, List).
1> test:test(test, [1,3,2]).