
Android Preventing Double Click On A Button

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-02-23 01:51 出处:网络
What is the best way to prevent double clicks on a button in Androi开发者_Go百科d?saving a last click time when clicking will prevent this problem.

What is the best way to prevent double clicks on a button in Androi开发者_Go百科d?

saving a last click time when clicking will prevent this problem.


private long mLastClickTime = 0;


// inside onCreate or so:

findViewById(R.id.button).setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
    public void onClick(View v) {
        // mis-clicking prevention, using threshold of 1000 ms
        if (SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - mLastClickTime < 1000){
        mLastClickTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();

        // do your magic here

Disable the button with setEnabled(false) until it is safe for the user to click it again.

My solution is

package com.shuai.view;

import android.os.SystemClock;
import android.view.View;

 * 处理快速在某个控件上双击2次(或多次)会导致onClick被触发2次(或多次)的问题
 * 通过判断2次click事件的时间间隔进行过滤
 * 子类通过实现{@link #onSingleClick}响应click事件
public abstract class OnSingleClickListener implements View.OnClickListener {
     * 最短click事件的时间间隔
    private static final long MIN_CLICK_INTERVAL=600;
     * 上次click的时间
    private long mLastClickTime;

     * click响应函数
     * @param v The view that was clicked.
    public abstract void onSingleClick(View v);

    public final void onClick(View v) {
        long currentClickTime=SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
        long elapsedTime=currentClickTime-mLastClickTime;




Usage is similar as OnClickListener but override onSingleClick() instead:

mTextView.setOnClickListener(new OnSingleClickListener() {
            public void onSingleClick(View v) {
                if (DEBUG)
                    Log.i("TAG", "onclick!");

Disabling the button or setting unclickable is not enough if you are doing computationally intensive work in onClick() since click events can get queued up before the button can be disabled. I wrote an abstract base class that implements OnClickListener that you can override instead, that fixes this problem by ignoring any queued up clicks:

 * This class allows a single click and prevents multiple clicks on
 * the same button in rapid succession. Setting unclickable is not enough
 * because click events may still be queued up.
 * Override onOneClick() to handle single clicks. Call reset() when you want to
 * accept another click.
public abstract class OnOneOffClickListener implements OnClickListener {
    private boolean clickable = true;

     * Override onOneClick() instead.
    public final void onClick(View v) {
        if (clickable) {
            clickable = false;
            //reset(); // uncomment this line to reset automatically

     * Override this function to handle clicks.
     * reset() must be called after each click for this function to be called
     * again.
     * @param v
    public abstract void onOneClick(View v);

     * Allows another click.
    public void reset() {
        clickable = true;

Usage is same as OnClickListener but override OnOneClick() instead:

OnOneOffClickListener clickListener = new OnOneOffClickListener() {
    public void onOneClick(View v) {

        // Do stuff

        this.reset(); // or you can reset somewhere else with clickListener.reset();

You can do it in very fancy way with Kotlin Extension Functions and RxBinding

   fun View.clickWithThrottle(throttleTime: Long = 600L, action: () -> Unit): Disposable =
                .throttleFirst(throttleTime, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
                .subscribe { action() }


fun View.clickWithThrottle(throttleTime: Long = 600L, action: () -> Unit) {
    this.setOnClickListener(object : View.OnClickListener {
        private var lastClickTime: Long = 0

        override fun onClick(v: View) {
            if (SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - lastClickTime < throttleTime) return
            else action()

            lastClickTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime()

and then just:

View.clickWithThrottle{ Your code }

The KLEANEST Kotlin idiomatic way:

class OnSingleClickListener(private val block: () -> Unit) : View.OnClickListener {

    private var lastClickTime = 0L

    override fun onClick(view: View) {
        if (SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - lastClickTime < 1000) {
        lastClickTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime()


fun View.setOnSingleClickListener(block: () -> Unit) {


button.setOnSingleClickListener { ... }

Or with an added parameter for controlling the throttle

class OnClickListenerThrottled(private val block: () -> Unit, private val wait: Long) : View.OnClickListener {

    private var lastClickTime = 0L

    override fun onClick(view: View) {
        if (SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - lastClickTime < wait) {
        lastClickTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime()


 * A throttled click listener that only invokes [block] at most once per every [wait] milliseconds.
fun View.setOnClickListenerThrottled(wait: Long = 1000L, block: () -> Unit) {
    setOnClickListener(OnClickListenerThrottled(block, wait))


button.setOnClickListenerThrottled(2000L) { /** some action */}
button.setOnClickListenerThrottled { /** some action */}

I also ran into a similar problem, I was displaying some date pickers & time pickers where sometimes it got clicked 2 times. I have solved it with this:

long TIME = 1 * 1000;
public void onClick(final View v) {
    new Handler().postDelayed(new Runnable() {

        public void run() {
    }, TIME);

You can change time depending upon your requirement.

I know it's an old question, but I share the best solution I found to solve this common problem

        btnSomeButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View view) {
            // Prevent Two Click
            // Do magic

And in another file,like Utils.java

 * Método para prevenir doble click en un elemento
 * @param view
public static void preventTwoClick(final View view){
        ()-> view.setEnabled(true),

setEnabled(false) works perfectly for me.

The idea is I write { setEnabled(true); } in the beginning and just make it false on the first click of the button.

The actual solution to this problem is to use setEnabled(false) which greys out the button, and setClickable(false) which makes it so the second click can not be received I have tested this and it seem to be very effective.

If someone is still looking for a short answer you can use the below code

 private static long mLastClickTime = 0;
  if (SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - mLastClickTime < 1000) { // 1000 = 1second
 mLastClickTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();

This code will go inside the if statement whenever the user clicks on the View within 1 second and then the return; will be initiated and the further code will not initiate.

My solution is try to using a boolean variable :

public class Blocker {
    private static final int DEFAULT_BLOCK_TIME = 1000;
    private boolean mIsBlockClick;

     * Block any event occurs in 1000 millisecond to prevent spam action
     * @return false if not in block state, otherwise return true.
    public boolean block(int blockInMillis) {
        if (!mIsBlockClick) {
            mIsBlockClick = true;
            new Handler().postDelayed(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    mIsBlockClick = false;
            }, blockInMillis);
            return false;
        return true;

    public boolean block() {
        return block(DEFAULT_BLOCK_TIME);

And using as below:

view.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
            private Blocker mBlocker = new Blocker();

            public void onClick(View v) {
                if (!mBlocker.block(block-Time-In-Millis)) {
                    // do your action   

UPDATE: Kotlin solution, using view extension

fun View.safeClick(listener: View.OnClickListener, blockInMillis: Long = 500) {
    var lastClickTime: Long = 0
    this.setOnClickListener {
        if (SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - lastClickTime < blockInMillis) return@setOnClickListener
        lastClickTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime()

Below code will prevent user to click multiple times within a fractions of seconds and allow only after 3 seconds.

private long lastClickTime = 0;

View.OnClickListener buttonHandler = new View.OnClickListener() {
    public void onClick(View v) {
        // preventing double, using threshold of 3000 ms
        if (SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - lastClickTime < 3000){

        lastClickTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();

In kotlin

button.setOnClickListener { 
    it?.apply { isEnabled = false; postDelayed({ isEnabled = true }, 400) } //400 ms
    //do your work

We could use the button just synchronized like:

Example #1 (Java)

public void onClick(final View view) {
    synchronized (view) {


        switch (view.getId()) {
            case R.id.id1:
            case R.id.id2:

        new Handler().postDelayed(new Runnable() {

            public void run() {
        }, 1000);

Example #2 (kotlin) using synchronized

myButton.setOnClickListener { view ->
            synchronized(view) {
                view.isEnabled = false

                // do something

                view.postDelayed({ view.isEnabled = true }, 500L)

Good Luck)

Click Guard works well with Butter Knife


in my situation i was using a button view and it was taking the clicks too quickly. just disable the clickable and enable it again after a few seconds...

Basically i made a wrapper class that wraps around your Views onClickListener. you can also set a custom delay if you want.

public class OnClickRateLimitedDecoratedListener implements View.OnClickListener {

    private final static int CLICK_DELAY_DEFAULT = 300;
    private View.OnClickListener onClickListener;
    private int mClickDelay;

        public OnClickRateLimitedDecoratedListener(View.OnClickListener onClickListener) {
            this(onClickListener, CLICK_DELAY_DEFAULT);

        //customize your own delay
        public OnClickRateLimitedDecoratedListener(View.OnClickListener onClickListener, int delay) {
            this.onClickListener = onClickListener;
            mClickDelay = delay;

        public void onClick(final View v) {

            v.postDelayed(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
            }, mClickDelay);

and to call it simply do this:

mMyButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickRateLimitedDecoratedListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
             public void onClick(View v) {

or provide your own delay:

 mMyButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickRateLimitedDecoratedListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
                     public void onClick(View v) {

UPDATE: Above ways a little old fashion now that RxJava is so prevalent. as others have mentioned, in android we could use a throttle to slow down the clicks. here is one example:

                    .throttleFirst(2000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, AndroidSchedulers.mainThread())
                    .subscribe {
                        Log.d("i got delayed clicked")

you can use this library for it: implementation 'com.jakewharton.rxbinding2:rxbinding:2.0.0'

Kotlin create class SafeClickListener

class SafeClickListener(
        private var defaultInterval: Int = 1000,
        private val onSafeCLick: (View) -> Unit
) : View.OnClickListener {
    private var lastTimeClicked: Long = 0    override fun onClick(v: View) {
        if (SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - lastTimeClicked < defaultInterval) {
        lastTimeClicked = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime()

create a function in baseClass or else

fun View.setSafeOnClickListener(onSafeClick: (View) -> Unit) {val safeClickListener = SafeClickListener {

and use on button click

btnSubmit.setSafeOnClickListener {

My solution (Kotlin):

class OnDebouncedClickListener(private val delayInMilliSeconds: Long, val action: () -> Unit) : View.OnClickListener {
    var enable = true

    override fun onClick(view: View?) {
        if (enable) {
            enable = false
            view?.postDelayed(delayInMilliSeconds) { enable = true }

fun View.setOnDebouncedClickListener(delayInMilliSeconds: Long = 500, action: () -> Unit) {
    val onDebouncedClickListener = OnDebouncedClickListener(delayInMilliSeconds, action)

Use :

button.apply {       
            setOnDebouncedClickListener {
                //your action on click

    button.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View view) {
            //to prevent double click

I found none of these suggestions works if the onClick method doesn't return immediately. The touch event is queued by Android and the next onClick is called only after the first one is finished. (Since this is done on the one UI thread this is really normal.) I needed to use the time when the the onClick function is finished + one boolean variable to mark whether the given onClick is running. Both these marker attributes are static to avoid any onClickListener to run at the same time. (If user clicks on another button) You can simple replace your OnClickListener to this class and instead of implementing the onClick method you need to implement the abstract oneClick() method.

    abstract public class OneClickListener implements OnClickListener {

    private static boolean started = false;
    private static long lastClickEndTime = 0;

    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see android.view.View.OnClickListener#onClick(android.view.View)
    final public void onClick(final View v) {
        if(started || SystemClock.elapsedRealtime()-lastClickEndTime <1000 ){
            Log.d(OneClickListener.class.toString(), "Rejected double click, " + new Date().toString() );
        Log.d(OneClickListener.class.toString(), "One click, start: " + new Date().toString() );
            started = true;
            started = false;
            lastClickEndTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
            Log.d(OneClickListener.class.toString(), "One click, end: " + new Date().toString() );

    abstract protected void oneClick(View v);

You can use this method. By using post delay you can take care for double click events.

void debounceEffectForClick(View view) {


    view.postDelayed(new Runnable() {
        public void run() {

    }, 500);

Kotlin extension that allows for concise inline code & variable double click wait times

fun View.setDoubleClickListener(listener: View.OnClickListener, waitMillis : Long = 1000) {
    var lastClickTime = 0L
    setOnClickListener { view ->
        if (System.currentTimeMillis() > lastClickTime + waitMillis) {
            lastClickTime = System.currentTimeMillis()


anyView.setNoDoubleClickListener(View.OnClickListener { v ->
    // do stuff


anyView.setNoDoubleClickListener(View.OnClickListener { v ->
    // do stuff
}, 1500)

With Kotlin extension function :

fun View.onSingleClick(action: (v: View) -> Unit) {
    setOnClickListener(object : View.OnClickListener {
        override fun onClick(v: View) {
            isClickable = false
            postDelayed({ isClickable = true }, 700)


button.onSingleClick { myAction() }

It seems that setting your click listeners in onResume and nulling them out in onPause does the trick too.

For me only remembering timestamp and checking against it (that more than 1 sec passed since previous click) helped.

I hope this can help YOU, put the code in you event handler.

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    boolean hasTag = null != which.getTag( R.id.preventing_double_click_tag );

    if ( hasTag ) {
        // Do not handle again...
    } else {
        which.setTag( R.id.action, Boolean.TRUE );

        which.postDelayed( new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                which.setTag( R.id.action, null );
                Log.d( "onActin", " The preventing double click tag was removed." );

        }, 2000 );

you can also use rx bindings by jake wharton to accomplish this. here is a sample that pads 2 seconds between successive clicks:

                .throttleFirst(2000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, AndroidSchedulers.mainThread())
                .subscribe(new Consumer<Object>() {
                    public void accept( Object v) throws Exception {
//handle onclick event here

//note: ignore the Object v in this case and i think always.

Adding to Jim's answer the code can be made more concise:

fun View.setOnSingleClick(onClick: () -> Unit) {
    var lastClickTime = 0L
    setOnClickListener {
        if (currentTimeMillis() > lastClickTime + 750) onClick()
        lastClickTime = currentTimeMillis()


aView.setOnSingleClick {  }

Below is the kotlin way with extension function that will work for all views, keep below function in ur Utils or any File

fun View.preventDoubleClick() {
this.isEnabled = false
this.postDelayed( { this.isEnabled = true }, 1000)

Below is how to use it from fragment or activity

anyIdOfView?.setOnClickListener {


验证码 换一张
取 消