I'm building a custom display for Game Center, which works, except I'm getting a warning for the following code -
NSMutableArray *playerIDsArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
[highScores removeAllObjects];
for (GKScore *thisScore in scores)
NSMutableDictionary *thisEntry = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
NSString *playerID = [thisScore playerID];
[thisEntry setObject:playerID forKey:@"playerID"];
[playerIDsArray addObject:playerID];
[thisEntry setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:(int)[thisScore value]] forKey:@"value"];
[highSco开发者_开发问答res setObject:thisEntry forKey:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%i",[thisScore rank]]]; // warning here
[thisEntry release];
The warning for [thisScore rank] says "Method '-rank' not found (return type defaults to 'id')". The code works fine, however. I must be missing something...
Any help appreciated!
in GKScore, rank is a NSInteger aka Object...
Where as calling %i is calling integer..
hence.. You must call [[thisScore rank]intValue]
to get the integer Value of the NSInteger Object..
Finally figured it out - bit daft really, I just hadn't included this -
#import <GameKit/GKScore.h>
I'd just assumed it was covered by importing the other Game Center headers... Thanks anyway!