I'm new to python and I need to simplify this checker. How can I change:
if c == '>' and ( prevTime > currentTime ):
c2 = True
elif c == '>=' and ( prevTime >= currentTime ):
c2 = True
to something like:
if prevTime | condition | currentTime:
I've tried to use either evaluate or compile, but during creation of string there is conversion between datetime object to string ( str on datetime开发者_Go百科 object). For example:
>>> 'result = %s %s %s' % (datetime.now(), '>', datetime.utcfromtimestamp(41))
'result = 2011-04-07 14:13:34.819317 > 1970-01-01 00:00:41'
and it can't be compared.
Can someone help me with this? Below working example:
def checkEvent( prevEvent, currentEvent, prevTime, currentTime ):
def checkCondition( condition ):
#condition format
#tuple ( (oldEvent, newEvent), time, ip)
# eg: (('co', 'co'), '>=', '!=')
c1 = c2 = False
#check Event
if prevEvent == condition[0][0] and currentEvent == condition[0][1]:
c1 = True
return False
#check time
if condition[1]:
c = condition[1]
if c == '>' and ( prevTime > currentTime ):
c2 = True
elif c == '>=' and ( prevTime >= currentTime ):
c2 = True
elif c == '<' and ( prevTime < currentTime ):
c2 = True
elif c == '<=' and ( prevTime <= currentTime ):
c2 = True
elif c == '==' and ( prevTime == currentTime ):
c2 = True
c2 = True
return c1 and c2
def add():
print 'add'
def changeState():
print 'changeState'
def finish():
print 'finish'
def update():
print 'update'
conditions = (\
( ( ( 're', 'co' ), None ), ( add, changeState ) ),
( ( ( 'ex', 'co' ), None ), ( add, changeState ) ),
( ( ( 'co', 'co' ), '<' ), ( add, changeState ) ),
( ( ( 'co', 'co' ), '>=' ), ( add, changeState, finish ) ),
( ( ( 'co', 'co' ), '>=' ), ( update, ) ),
( ( ( 'co', 're' ), '>=' ), ( changeState, finish ) ),
( ( ( 'co', 'ex' ), '>=' ), ( changeState, finish ) )
for condition in conditions:
if checkCondition( condition[0] ):
for cmd in condition[1]:
from datetime import datetime
checkEvent( 'co', 'co', datetime.utcfromtimestamp(41), datetime.now() )
checkEvent( 'ex', 'co', datetime.utcfromtimestamp(41), datetime.now() )
checkEvent( 'co', 'co', datetime.utcfromtimestamp(41), datetime.utcfromtimestamp(40) )
You can try making a map of operators, like this:
import operator
compares = {
'>': operator.gt,
'>=': operator.ge,
'<': operator.lt,
'<=': operator.le,
'==': operator.eq
def check(c, prev, current):
func = compares[c]
return func(prev, current)
print check('>', 5, 3) # prints: True
print check('>=', 5, 5) # prints: True
print check('<', 3, 5) # prints: True
print check('<=', 3, 3) # prints: True
print check('==', 7, 7) # prints: True
Folks do things like this:
result= { '=': lambda a, b: a == b,
'>': lambda a, b: a > b,
'>=': lambda a, b: a >= b,
}[condition]( prevTime, currentTime )
Are you looking for something like:
>>> eval('datetime.now() %s datetime.utcfromtimestamp(41)' % '>')
Your evals are failing because you're doing too much of the computation outside the eval.
Of course, the eval strategy itself is ugly; you should use one of the other answers ;)
You're only setting c1 = True
if the function doesn't return, so it's guaranteed to be True at the end of the function. Factor it out.
The output of this function will be identical:
def checkEvent( prevEvent, currentEvent, prevTime, currentTime ):
def checkCondition( condition ):
#condition format
#tuple ( (oldEvent, newEvent), time, ip)
# eg: (('co', 'co'), '>=', '!=')
#check Event
if not (prevEvent == condition[0][0] and currentEvent == condition[0][1]):
return False
#check time
c = condition[1]
if not condition[1]:
return True
if c == '>' and ( prevTime > currentTime ):
return True
elif c == '>=' and ( prevTime >= currentTime ):
return True
elif c == '<' and ( prevTime < currentTime ):
return True
elif c == '<=' and ( prevTime <= currentTime ):
return True
elif c == '==' and ( prevTime == currentTime ):
return True
return False
Note: everyone else's "dict of functions" approach is the Pythonic way to do this. I just wanted to demonstrate a cleaned-up version of your original function that works in a way already familiar to you but with a more straightforward flow.