Assume I have 2 machines, one machine with MS windows with .NET 4.0 and the other begin a linux ma开发者_运维知识库chine with Mono 2.10.1
Now I create a command line application on the respective machines that will output the installed framework version using:Console.WriteLine(Environment.Version);
Question 1
Is my assumption correct that the following should be displayed:
Windows : 4.0.30319.1 Linux : 2.10.1 (or something similar??)Question 2
Assuming we have both mono and installed on a windows machine, is there a way to specify that an exe must run on the mono framework in windows? (perhaps a config file?)Question 3
If I compile a (simple) mono application on a linux machine, will that compiled exe work on a windows machine with only installed?ad Question 1: you should expect the version of the Runtime, not of Mono
- Question 1 (test.cs below[1]), tested on linux:
mono.2.6.7 $ ./test.exe
$ source custom/MONO/
mono.2.11 $ dmcs test.cs
mono.2.11 $ ./test.exe
WARNING: The runtime version supported by this application is unavailable.
Using default runtime: v1.1.4322
mono.2.11 $ mono ./test.exe
mono.2.11 $
Question 2
You could make a batch file to invoke
mono.exe myapplication
. Look in %PROGRAMFILES%\Mono 2.10\bin for plenty examplesQuestion 3 Yup
For compatibility check the other way around (check for implementation stubs, missing P/Invoke functionality etc.) there is the MoMa tool
using System;
namespace X
class Y
public static int Main(string[] args)
return 0;
For Question 2: You can default runtime to mono on windows environment for Xamarin studio.
You can mono run time from here:
Xamarin Studio => Tools => Options => Projects => .NET Runtimes => Add (add mono here)
and mark mono as default runtime.