I have a create account page and on the page I have one button to insert all the details into two seperate tables one of the tables Pictures is dependant on the User table 1:1 relationship via UserID.
I have written some code to try get the last insert id so I can insert into the pictures table:
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (FileUpload1.HasFile)
OdbcConnection cn = new OdbcConnection("Driver={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver}; Server=localhost; Database=gymwebsite2; User=root; Password=commando;");
OdbcCommand cmd = new OdbcCommand("INSERT INTO User (Email, FirstName, SecondName, DOB, Location, Aboutme, username, password) VALUES ('" + TextBox1.Text + "', '" + TextBox2.Text + "', '" + TextBox3.Text + "', '" + TextBox4.Text + "', '" + TextBox5.Text + "', '" + TextBox6.Text + "', '" + TextBox7.Text + "', '" + TextBox8.Text + "')", cn);
OdbcCommand sc = new OdbcCommand("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()", cn);
//convert LAST INSERT into string theUserId
string filenameDB = Path.GetFileName(FileUpload1.FileName);
string fileuploadpath = Server.MapPath("~/userdata/" + theUserId + "/uploadedimage/") + Path.GetFileName(FileUpload1.FileName);
string fileuploadpaths = ("~/userdata/" + theUserId + "/uploadedimage/") + filenameDB;
Label10.Text = "Upload status: File uploaded!";
OdbcCommand cm = new OdbcCommand("INSERT INTO Pictures (picturepath, UserId) VALUES ('" + fileuploadpaths + "', " + theUserId + ")", cn);
catch (Exception ex)
Label10.Text = "Upload status: The file could not be uploaded. The following error occured: " + ex.Message;
//e.Authenticated = true;
// Event useradded is true forward to login
Not sure if this is correct and I also need to know how to convert the select statement into a string so I can retrieve the UserID from the User table, see database structure:
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (FileUpload1.HasFile)
OdbcConnection cn = new OdbcConnection("Driver={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver}; Server=localhost; Database=gymwebsite2; User=root; Password=commando;");
OdbcCommand cmd = new OdbcCommand("INSERT I开发者_如何学JAVANTO User (Email, FirstName, SecondName, DOB, Location, Aboutme, username, password) VALUES ('" + TextBox1.Text + "', '" + TextBox2.Text + "', '" + TextBox3.Text + "', '" + TextBox4.Text + "', '" + TextBox5.Text + "', '" + TextBox6.Text + "', '" + TextBox7.Text + "', '" + TextBox8.Text + "')SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()", cn);
//OdbcCommand sc = new OdbcCommand("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()", cn);
//convert LAST INSERT into string theUserId
//using (DataTable dt = DataTier.ExecuteQuery(cmd))
////error for datatable and datatier
//if (dt.Rows.Count == 1)
// //Read the new ID from the record that has just been inserted
// string theUserId = dt.Rows[0]["UserID"].ToString();
using (OdbcDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
string theUserId = String.Format("{0}", reader.GetString(0));
string filenameDB = Path.GetFileName(FileUpload1.FileName);
string fileuploadpath = Server.MapPath("~/userdata/" + theUserId + "/uploadedimage/") + Path.GetFileName(FileUpload1.FileName);
string fileuploadpaths = ("~/userdata/" + theUserId + "/uploadedimage/") + filenameDB;
Label10.Text = "Upload status: File uploaded!";
OdbcCommand cm = new OdbcCommand("INSERT INTO Pictures (picturepath, UserId) VALUES ('" + fileuploadpaths + "', " + theUserId + ")", cn);
catch (Exception ex)
Label10.Text = "Upload status: The file could not be uploaded. The following error occured: " + ex.Message;
//e.Authenticated = true;
// Event useradded is true forward to login
You can use a query similar to the following to post a record, then get the ID.
string sQuery = @"INSERT INTO [ExpenseType]
using ( SqlCommand oSqlCommand = new SqlCommand( sQuery ) )
oSqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue( "@ExpenseTypeName", this.ExpenseTypeName );
oSqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue( "@Deleted", this.Deleted );
oSqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue( "@IsTaxable", this.IsTaxable );
oSqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue( "@UpdatedDate", base.GetUpdatedDate() );
oSqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue( "@UpdatedUser", base.GetUpdatedUser() );
oSqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue( "@ParentCategoryComponentID", this.ParentCategoryComponentID );
oSqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue( "@CategoryComponentID", this.CategoryComponentID );
oSqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue( "@NLNominalAccountID", this.NLNominalAccountID );
oSqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue( "@SYSTaxCodeID", this.SYSTaxCodeID );
using ( DataTable dt = DataTier.ExecuteQuery( oSqlCommand ) )
if ( dt.Rows.Count == 1 )
//Read the new ID from the record that has just been inserted
string RecordID = dt.Rows[ 0 ][ "ID" ].ToString();
Note the SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY() AS 'ID' at the end of the query.
if ( dt.Rows.Count == 1 )
//Read the new ID from the record that has just been inserted
string RecordID = dt.Rows[ 0 ][ "ID" ].ToString();