It's not so easy questions as others.. at least. it's not a problem to setup simple one-dir-based static files location..
There's such an interesting project in here.. this one is using distribute and buildout for making whole project and django with modules in one dir. you can migrate from dev to production mode easy and etc.. all you need is just to rename dir, and type "make" in it, and that's it =) there's manual in there...
Situation which works with python server, and don't work with apache mod_wsgi: Default static files location is: "var/htdocs/static". This can be overridden with one static dir location for example apps/myapp/myapp/static/. This works with python webserver but doesn't work with wsgi/apache. wsgi can't see anything apart default directory.. example: http://localhost:8000/static/css/main.css works but with apache same url doesn't work. and this file lies in myproject/apps/myapp/myapp/static/css/main.css although default static dir is var/htdocs/static =)
As far as I understand this overriding made with StaticFiles application in
STATIC_URL = '/static/'
STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BUILDOUT_DIR, 'var', 'htdocs', 'static')
os.path.join(BUILDOUT_DIR, 'project', 'static'), # <-- why "project" and not "apps" I don't know X_X
maybe this one is incorrect, I don't know but with py-server this works. apache vhost works with default location.. and setuped to "var/htdocs/static".
Maybe problem is in wsgi script?
import os,sys
sys.path[0:0] = [
'/www/webapp/visimes/project', # <-- this one need for which i put in there
'/www/webapp/visimes/apps/portal', # <-- script some how forgot to add this dir, it's my default app dir, which must be generated with and added in here..
import djangorecipe.wsgi
if __name__ == '__main__':
os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = 'project.development'
import monitor
import django.core.handlers.wsgi
application = django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIHandler()
I added last 4 lines by my self. because I couldn't start apache.. I'm guessing that djangorecipe.wsgi should handle everything else with staticFile override.. anyway please, check out that package, if you on linux or mac, and try it by your self. it must work
ps. (btw bin/django need to dublicated as bin/django.wsgi and etc/apache.conf is generated vhost for apache)
I'd really apriciated if somebody would try to launch this "Starter" manually with wsgi... then you'd understand everything.=)
Edit: Any information about how can WSGI understand where he needs to search static files apart default location from django settings, is REALLY appreciated =)
There is lots of documentation on the official mod_wsgi site for understanding how to use it. This includes how to set it up for serving static media files. See:
WSGI has nothing whatever to do with serving static files. This is all clearly covered in the Django deployment documentation - as Torsten suggests in the comments, you'll need to point Apache at your static files, probably via an alias.
I must say though that this project looks very dodgy. Manually adding a load of eggs to sys.path
is not the right way to go about things - a much better way would be to use something like virtualenv, which manages all that for you.
No way of having some kind of overriding like django does with WSGI..
there's great command in django " collectstatic" which places all files from STATIC_DIR list (in to main static directory.. in fact this commands just copy files from all those dir's and that's it =)
Would be great to know, how could I make this copying automatic when any file in that dir would be updated.. same thing like for automatic wsgi reload when source is modified...