When I run mvn pmd:pmd
I get an warning / error from PMD saying that the code cannot use generics, annotations or Enums with java 1.4 or 1.5. This is supposed to be a error when the targetJdk property is not set (which I did set).
Here is an example of the error I get
[WARNING] Error while parsing /Users/augusto/Downloads/PMD-Clover2-Cobertura-Maven2-Test/PMDTest/src/main/java/org/xh/studies/quality/App.java: Can't use generics unless running in JDK 1.5 mode!
and here's a snippet of the pom I'm using (there's a link to the whole app below)
I'm using Maven 3.0.2 on mac, with the latest java patch 1.6.0_24.
Click here to download the full project (8kb)
EDIT (26/03/2014)
Since version 3.3 of the maven site plugin, maven can also use the old style configuration (and in fact the maven 2 style is now recommended). Links: docs, jira.
Original answer
Pain, the answer is that the site generation changed completely from maven 2 to maven 3. There is an explanation on this blog. Note that mvn pmd:pmd
doesn't work anyway with the new reporting configuration, but it works as part of the site generation.
And here's an example of a pom that works.