Im planning to use google oauth IMAP to sign up for my website. Im using zend framework for the same. Also im suing 3 legged approach to sign up When i go through the sample threelegged.php. I find that i t has email address inbox and he keeps it in a session and goes to access the gmail account and once he returns back he retireves the email id from the session
$email_address = $_SESSI开发者_开发百科ON['email_address'];
Line No.121
$config = new Zend_Oauth_Config();
$url = '' . $email_address . '/imap/';
My requirement is i do not want to have email address to be kept in session instead i want the given the gmail address to be retrieved in $email address. How can i do that ? Is any function supporting it in Zend framework?
You will need to include the authorization url with your other urls you are asking permission to get data from:
Then when you actually get the authorized token you can do it like this:
// Get access token from session after authorization process is complete.
$accessToken = unserialize($_SESSION['ACCESS_TOKEN']);
// Retrieve email address using Access Token
$erequest = $accessToken->getHttpClient($options);
$ereturn = $erequest->request();
parse_str($ereturn->getBody(), $earray);
$email_address = $earray['email'];
// Retrieve mail using Access Token
$config = new Zend_Oauth_Config();
$url = '' .
$email_address .
This is after authenticating a token for accessing the data. Then the email address can be used for your mail request or anything else that requires the email address.