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STL like container with O(1) performance.
I always thought that std::map is a hashed list. In that case shouldn't lookup be O(1). The documentation says it's O(logn). What's an appropriate data structure in STL that mimics a hashed map the best with O(1) insertion and lookup.
is implemented as a binary search tree. So lookups are not O(1). TR1 and C++0x are adding a hash map to the STL called an unordered_map
. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unordered_map_(C%2B%2B)
Depending on your compiler, you might have unordered_map
or possible hash_map
in the STL.
There is no official STL container with constant lookup. However, several library implementations provide a non-standard hash_map container which does O(1) lookups (http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/hash_map.html)
You are looking for std::hash_map