I like to display data information to dos console based on user's template or ini file. Example, UserTemplate.txt
My program will read this UserTemplate.txt and what parameter user wants to display to dos console.
while (!file_opc.eof())
std::vector<std::string> v;
cout <<"\nline"<<开发者_开发技巧;str<<endl;
if (strstr(str, "=") != NULL)
boost::algorithm::split_regex( v, str, boost::regex( "=|//" ) ) ;
cout<<"Param="<<v.at(0)<<"\nFlag="<< v.at(1)<<endl;
Output format for number of Columns are variable based flags (yes/no) from user
ParamA ParamB ParamC ParamD ParamE ParamG
------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------
123 Ack NewTx 24.0 Block 64QAM
Since ParamF and ParamH sets no NO. It won't display to dos console. Those "123", "Ack", "NewTx" etc.. are the vectors parsed from a data source. I need help how dump those ParamX to dos console based on UserTemplate.txt
Right now, I am hard-coded some parameters as follow.
cout<<"cRnti trNum ackNack harqNum RachM2 ReliTransF MCS CW1 SINRPUSCH "<<endl;
cout<<"===== ===== ======= ======= ====== ========== ======= ========= "<<endl;
SetConsoleTextAttribute(hhConsole, 15);
for (unsigned int i=0;i<RecordInMemory;i++)
If you have better idea to handle my case, please shred the light, I appreciate. It saves me a lot of times. If you know there is already solution in this site, please give me a link. Thanks in advance.
I would probably create a small data structure that tells how (and if) to display each column:
struct column_display {
bool display;
int width;
column_display(bool d) : display(d), width(0) {}
Then we'd add some code to read each name:display pair from the file:
std::istream &operator>>(std::istream &is, std::pair<std::string, column_display> &c) {
std::string name, value;
std::getline(is, name, '=');
std::getline(is, value);
c.first = name;
c.second.display = (value == "yes");
return is;
Then you'd read your data for the columns into these structures (and presumably add the correct widths somehow or other, either stored internally or from another external source):
std::map<std::string, column_display> params((std::istream_iterator(params)),
Finally, you'd write out the data using the specified parameters:
class display {
record_t const &r;
std::ostream &out;
display(record_t const &record, std::ostream &o) : r(record), out(o) {}
display &operator()(std::pair<std::string, column_display> const &d) {
if (d.second.display)
out << d.second.width << r.fields[d.first];
for (current_record = 0; current_record<record_count; current_record++) {
display display_record(records[current_record], std::cout);
std::for_each(params.begin(), params.end(), display_record);
At least for the moment, this assumes your "record" type is also a map (or something on that order) that lets you look up the data based on the same column name that's read from the userTemplate.txt file.