I have code that lets me to show an element on click of one element and hide it on click of another. Code looks like:
var Dshow=false;
$('.allLink').click(function() {
$('.hideAllLink').click(function() {
I want $('.allLink').click(function()
to have 2 states - on first click it shall show ".downloads" and on second click hide.
How to do such thing with jQuery?
You can use .toogle(). This method will hide element if it's visible, or make it visible if it's hidden.
$('.allLink').click(function()) {
I think what you are looking for is a toggler: Use of jQuery toggle function
$( "#idofthebutton" ).toggle(
function() {
/// hide the link
}, function() {
///show the link
This will work automatically to hide and show the links....
Note: In this case keep the links visible at first place. If you don't want that then change the order of the functions inside the .toggle