I need to be able to toggle class when I click an element. It works fine for that element:
$(".main").click(function() {
But I would like to add to it to toggle classes for all elements on the page that have a particular class, say "togToo". For those elements I need to toggle between "classC" and "classD".
I'm almost certain there's a way to combine that into one click...
If the elements to be toggled start off with one of the two classes, you can then toggle back and forth like this:
$('#element_to_click').click( function(){
$('.togToo').toggleClass('classC classD');
Answer Updated
$(".main").click(function() {
You can toggle N classes all at once
$(/* selector */).toggleClass('classA classB classC');
Why won't you use jQuery class selector?
This should do the trick:
$(".main").click(function() {
Also, when toggling classes, i would suggest having a base class, and a toggle class, instead of toggling between two classes.
If you're looking for a way to toggle through mutliple classes one after each other and not all together I quickly wrote a little script you can use:
it extends a new jQuery method .toggleClasses() that does exactly what you want. check it out and feel free to make it better if you have improvements :)
You can simply do something like
inside the "click" handler
I do it this way, having multiple images with class $('.img-polaroid') and class $('.drag'), when one of the images is clicked, it remove the $('.drag') to this element after having add it back to all of them
if ($(this).hasClass('drag')) {