
Prevent stacking of AJAX-requests

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-02-21 01:50 出处:网络
I\'ve got a problem which I can\'t seem to solve. I\'m currently implementing a an AJAX-function similar to the one Twitter uses - that fetch new posts on scrolling.

I've got a problem which I can't seem to solve.

I'm currently implementing a an AJAX-function similar to the one Twitter uses - that fetch new posts on scrolling.

The jQuery looks something like this:

            if($(window).scrollTop() == $(document).height() - $(window).height()){
                    url: "loader.php?lastid=" + $(".container:last").attr("id"),
                    success: function(html){
                            $('div#ajaxloader').html('No more posts to show.');
                    }        开发者_JAVA技巧           

Now the problem; if the user scrolls really fast and the database is doing it's work quickly - the jQuery doesn't seem to be able to send the correct id as a query fast enough - which results in double-posts.

Anyone have a good idea on how to prevent this?

Try This:

  var runningRequest = 0;
        if(runningRequest <1){
        if($(window).scrollTop() == $(document).height() - $(window).height()){
                url: "loader.php?lastid=" + $(".container:last").attr("id"),
                success: function(html){
                        $('div#ajaxloader').html('No more posts to show.');
                error: function(){runningRequest--;}                   

I would set a boolean to true right before making my request, and whenever the request completes I'd set it back to false. Then I'd wrap the code that makes the request in a check for whether that value is true or false. I'd also add a bool that tells me whether I should even bother making a request--no sense in requesting if the last request came back empty (unless, perhaps, the data set could change since the last request). Either way, here's the code I'd start with:

( function( global )
    var $ = global.jQuery,
        $win = $( global ),
        $doc = $( global.document ),
        $ajaxLoader = $( 'div#ajaxloader' ),
        $main = $( '#main' ),
        requestInProgress = false,
        outOfPosts = false;

    $win.scroll( function()
        if( ! requestInProgress &&
            ! outOfPosts &&
            $win.scrollTop() === $doc.height() - $win.height()
            requestInProgress = true;


            $.ajax( {
                url: 'loader.php',
                data: {
                    lastid: $( '.container:last' ).attr( 'id' )
                success: function( html )
                    if( html )
                        $main.append( html );
                        outOfPosts = true;
                        $ajaxLoader.html( 'No more posts to show.' );
                complete: function()
                    requestInProgress = false;
            } );
    } );
}( window ) );


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