i am creating clipped HDC (Device Context) handle using windows开发者_运维知识库 api, then sending it to another process. Will be this handle valid for drawing in it?
You will need to expose a method of drawing onto the DC from within your application.
The most likely candidates are Windows Messages defined by you (WM_APP or WM_USER).
WM_USER + 1,
WM_USER + 2,
WM_USER + 3,
then you would handle those in your applications WNDPROC
switch case
WM_USER + 1:
// draw a circle
WM_USER + 2:
// draw a rectangle
WM_USER + 3:
// draw a snowman
finally from a third party application, they would simple send messages to your application via the SendMessage API:
SendMessage(hWndSergey, WM_USER + 1, 0, 0);
where the LPARAM and WPARAM can be pointers to global shared memory to exchange parameters or simply dword values etc...
A Device Context handle is not going to be valid in another process. Consider exposing an interface that the other process can use to draw in your window.