I'm currently porting a very nice demo of a modular web interface using OSGi and Vaadin from 'standard OSGi' to use Spring DM.
One OSGi configuration file listed:
<reference name="PersonListener"
I realise that in Spring DM this has to be done using listeners, hence the following bean configuration:
<osgi:list id="personListeners" interface="be.nnuytten.pm.model.IPersonListener" cardinality="0..N">
<osgi:listener ref="personManager" bind-method="addPersonListener" unbind-method="removePersonListener" />
In the reference documentation I found that the addPersonListener and removePersonListener methods need the following signature:
public void anyMethodName(ServiceReference ref);
All said and done, but now the question comes up: how do I work with this ServiceReference object? More specifically, how do I achieve the following by using a ServiceReference?
public synchronized void addPersonListener(IPersonListener personListener) {
logger.info("add personListener: " + personListener);
The same functionality now has to be implemented by
public void addPersonListener(ServiceReference ref){}
Your help is as always most appreciated!
In case this is still unresolved.
I did something similar with Virgo (which is based on Spring DM). You don't have to use ServiceReference. It all depends on the method signatures:
<osgi:list id="xyzzyList" interface="Xyzzy"
<osgi:listener ref="xyzzyRegistry" bind-method="onBind" unbind-method="onUnbind" />
and onBind() method in implementation of Xyzzy
public void onBind(Xyzzy xyzzy, Map<?, ?> properties) {
The question is of course, what do you do with the Map. I didn't do anything, really.