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Closed 11 years ago.
Improve this questionAsked on Programmers: Well designed / high-quality open source software
I'm taking a software design class where I should choose an open source software to analyze from the Software Design point of view.
It has to be a big project: not less then 100,000 lines of code.
I would really like to choose a software that is very well designed and architected to have good insights on good software design.
By good design I mean things like meaningful classes and architecture, good use of (design) patterns, good use of abstraction, good organization of components, high cohesion and low coupling between components, etc...
Do you have any software to suggest me?
Note that the software just need to have a good design, the design does not need to be documented! :)
It does not need to be an application for the end user... It can also be a library, a tool, etc...
So I see that it's been two hours and no ones come to the party - well - no ones stuck their own necks out so I'll be the first :)
I've got an open source ASP.NET CMS / Web Application Framework I've built over the last few years; it incorporates all (most?) of the architectural goodness I have learnt (up till then, anyway).
- Source code: http://morphfolia.codeplex.com/
- "Official" site mentions the Architecture specifically - but that contents a bit old.
- Formal documentation of the architectural style is here: 5-Layer Architecture
- I'm not sure if it's 100,000+ lines of code or not though; the download is about 3 Mb.
- I'm definitely not claiming this to be super excellent, put on an alter, covered in medals - but I think it's worth a look: I'm brave enough to put it out there (!)