I've been given the following algorithm that computes s where s = g^u mod p in Python:
def modexp ( g, u, p ):
"""computes s = (g ^ u) mod p
args are base, exponent, modulus
(see Bruce Schneier's book, _Applied Cryptography_ p. 244)"""
s = 1
while u != 0:
if u & 1:
s = (s * g)%p
u >>= 1
g = (g * g)%p;
return s
However, when I convert the code to Ruby like so:
def modexp ( g, u, p )
s = 1
while u != 0
if u & 1
s = (s * g)%p
u >>= 1
g = (g * g)%p
return s
I get different output. For example:
Python 2.7 (r27:82500, Oct 6 2010, 12:29:13)
[GCC 4.5.1] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import modexp
>>> modexp.modexp(96,25,17)
Which is the right answer from the Python code compared with
>> require './modexp.rb'
=> true
>> modexp(96,25,17)
=> 14
Can anyone explain this? From what I've read Python and Ruby have the same syntax for the bitshift and bitwise and used in the code, so I don't think it's that. Anyone have any other ideas?
It's because bitwise-& returns a number, and 0 is "falsey" in Python but "truthy" in Ruby.
def modexp ( g, u, p )
s = 1
while u != 0
puts "g: #{g}, s: #{s}, u: #{u.to_s(2)}"
if u & 1
s = (s * g)%p
u >>= 1
g = (g * g)%p
return s
irb(main):032:0> modexp(96,25,17)
g: 96, s: 1, u: 11001
g: 2, s: 11, u: 1100
g: 4, s: 5, u: 110
g: 16, s: 3, u: 11
g: 1, s: 14, u: 1
=> 14
Note that s
changes between the second line and the third, even though u
is even at that point. Remembering that 1100 = 12
, we see that 12 & 1 == 0
. So, in Python, the test if u & 1:
fails; but in Ruby, where 0 is considered a true value, if u & 1
Try replacing that line with if u & 1 != 0
0 is not a false value in Ruby. You need to change if u&1
to if (u&1) != 0