To make sure the question more clear,
I want to re-i开发者_开发问答mplement the prompt object in JAVASCRIPT because i want to get two variables from the user at the same time.
If it is possible to extend, re-implement or override this object, please tell me how. If not, do you have better solutions?
You should use something like
You will need to split your javascript where you have your dialog
So if you had
function getAndUseUserInfo() {
var x = prompt("Gimme something for bla 3","");
if (x) bla3(x); // this will not be executed until user closes prompt
you now need
function getUserInfo() {
var x = "";
$( "#dialog-form" ).dialog({
autoOpen: false,
height: 300,
width: 350,
modal: true,
buttons: {
"OK": function() { x = $("#someIdFromtheForm").val(); $(this).dialog("close");}
"CANCEL": function() { $(this).dialog("close");}
close: function() {
if (x) bla3(x);
Or if you insist to override the built-in function you can do something like this (which currently gives an error since I am not using an html page):
var orgPrompt = window.prompt;
var varone, vartwo;
function saveVars(doc) {
varone = doc.getElementById("x").value;
vartwo = doc.getElementById("y").value
return [varone,vartwo];
window.prompt=function(one,two) {
var html = '<center><br><br>'+one+':<input type=text id=x><br>'+two+':<input type=text id=y><br><input type=button value=OK onclick=\'window.returnValue=window.dialogArguments.saveVars(document);window.close()\'/>';
var res = showModalDialog('javascript:"'+html+'"',window,"dialogWidth:100px;dialogHeight:100px");
x = prompt('first name','last name')
You can have them separate the two different values using a delimiter.
var result = prompt('enter two values seperated by a comma').split(',');
alert('first value: ' + result[0]);
alert('second value: ' + result[1]);
You can redefine most things in javascript, including the window prompt, alert and confirm methods, but it would probably be a better idea to define the method and call it instead of the native object. Define 'prompter','alerter' or 'confirmer' methods, for example.