I'm using the RssToolkit for .net. I'm using an Httphandler to return rss feeds. The feedID is passed in as a querystring parameter. If no parameter is passed in, I would like to have the the handler return a feed that is an aggreate of some of the feeds that th开发者_运维问答e handler can handle. What I'm wondering is, can the handler recurse? Can it call itself with a querystring parameter several times and retrieve several feeds and then return the compiled result. Or is the httpHandler unable to recurse in this manner?
for exampele
if you went to rss.ashx it would call rss.ashx?c=feed1 and rss.ashx?c=feed2 each of these would return an RSS feed and it would compile them into an aggregate and return it as rss.ashx.
It will (in a sense) if you're making a new call to the web server but that's not really recursion. but why do that? Just have your handler determine what it needs to do and then do it. If querystring == null then c=... If not that then do a redirect instead