I am attempting to parse an xml document, extracting data using lxml objectify and xpath. Here is a snip of the document:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<asset name="Adham">
<description>Ba bla bla</description>
<asset name="Adrian">
<description>test test test</description>
<bar>more bla</bar>
开发者_运维百科I have the following method:
def getALLattributesX(self, _root):
'''Uses getattributeX and parses through the attribute dict, assigning
values as it goes. _root is the main document root'''
for k in self.attrib:
self.getattributeX(_root, self.attribPaths[k], k)
...which calls this method:
def getattributeX(self, node, x_path, _attrib):
'''Gets a value from an xml node indicated by an xpath
and assigns it to a the appropriate. If node does not exists
it assigns "error"
print node.xpath(x_path)[0].text
self.attrib[_attrib] = node.xpath(x_path)
except KeyError:
self.misload = True
#except AttributeError:
# self.attrib[attrib] = "error loading " + attrib
#self.misload = True
The print statement is from testing. When i execute the first method, it parses through the xml document, successfully stopping at each asset object. I have a dict of variables for it to find, and a complimentary dict of paths for it to use, as defined here:
class tAssetList:
alist = {} #dict of assets
tlist = []
tree = None # XML tree
root = None #root elem
def readXML(self, _filename):
#Load file
fileobject = open(_filename, "r") #read-only
self.tree = objectify.parse(fileobject)
self.root = self.tree.getroot()
for elem in self.root.asset:
temp_asset = tAsset()
a_name = elem.get("name") # get name, which is the key for dict
self.alist[a_name] = temp_asset
class tAsset(obs.nxObject):
def __init__(self):
self.attrib = {"X_pos" : None, "Y_pos" : None}
self.attribPaths = {"X_pos" : '/pos/x', "Y_pos" : '/pos/y'}
However, xpath doesn't seem to be working when I call it on the node (which is an objectified xml node). It just outputs [ ] if I equate it directly, and it gives an index out of range error if I try: [0].text.
What is going on here?
and /pos/y
are absolute XPath expressions and they don't select any element because the provided XML document doesn't have a pos
top element.