I have a database:
id | movie_name | genres
1 | Die Hard | Action, Thriller
2 | Gladiator | Adventure, Action, Drama, History
3 开发者_如何学Go | Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone | Fantasy, Adventure, Family
4 | Pearl Harbor | Action, Melodrama, War
1) How I can select unique genres from genres
of all database.
I need the next: Action / Adventure / Drama / Family / Fantasy / History / Melodrama / Thriller / War
2) How can I see a movie of a certain genre?
SELECT `movie_name` FROM `movies` WHERE `genre` LIKE ??
But he also can bring not only the drama, but melodrama.
3) How to make a search on a particular genre? May be:
SELECT `movie_name` FROm `movies` WHERE `movie_name` LIKE `%stone%` AND `genres LIKE 'drama'.
Don't store a comma-delimited list of attributes in a database column.
Instead, have 3 tables:
Movies (id, movie_name)
id | movie_name
1 | Die Hard
2 | Gladiator
3 | Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone
4 | Pearl Harbor
Genres (id, genre_name)
id | genre_name
1 | Action
2 | Thriller
3 | Adventure
4 | Drama
5 | History
6 | Fantasy
7 | Family
8 | Melodrama
9 | War
MovieGenre (movie, genre)
Movie | Genre
1 | 1
1 | 2
2 | 1
2 | 3
2 | 4
2 | 5
3 | 3
3 | 6
3 | 7
4 | 1
4 | 8
4 | 9
Then your problems become much, much simpler.
The problem you're facing here is implementing an N to N relationship requirement.
Since the relation between movies is a Many to Many relationship, the proper way of storing this in a database schema is to maintain the relationship in a separate table.
Let's call this table "Movie_Genre_Relationship" for the sake of this exercise. If Die Hard is both an Action & Thriller movie, you should store it with two rows in the relationship table as such:
Movie_id | Genre_id
1 | 1
1 | 2
Assuming the following Movie and Genre tables:
Movie_id | Movie_Name
1 | Die Hard
Genre_id | Genre_Name
1 | Action
2 | Thriller
Then you can search all Action movies by doing:
select * from Movies m
inner join Movies_Genres_Relationship r on m.movie_id = r.movie_id
where r.genre_id = 1
Hope it helps.