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Closed 9 years ago.
Improve this questionI know the community around Progress 4GL is highly lacking in activity, but the people on SO are a sur开发者_开发知识库prisingly resourceful bunch of guys!
I'm looking for a tool that is capable of creating a dependency tree for classes, include files, and other structures in Progress 4GL. Ideally it would have a command line interface so that it can be integrated into an automated build.
I would like to avoid rolling my own if I can help it. We have a 4Mloc code base, so a manually-generated dependency graph just won't work out very well. Is there any hope?
There is a very active community, but you need to know where to look. :)
- See for several tools which might be useful.
- BravePoint might have some resources, but probably not free.
- Also
I believe the free 10-year-old app below will do some of what you require, but was written for legacy Progress versions (ie. it will only recognize direct old-fashioned RUNs and includes, I think). As for rolling your own, or getting a start, it was written in c++ and the author may still have the source code if you email him...
Here's the link to the app
The Progress community can be found at various places in addition to the above (eg.,,, etc.), is relatively minute, but is hardly inactive.
My xref->TT tool can take apart xref strings from the COMPILE XREF statement and turns it into a set of temp-tables. You could then take that the temp-tables and use them to populate a database, after which I'm sure you'll post your code back to the community so others can take advantage of it. :)
I stopped working on it around ~2008, so it pre-dates the OOABL structures.