I'd installed sfDoctrineGuardPlugin & sfForkedDoctrineApplyPlugin on my symfony app.
When i try to signup a new account, its seems to works because : i have this message which appears :
"Thank you for applying for an account. You will receive a verification email shortly. If you do not see that email, please be sure to check your "spam" or "bulk" folder."
But i have no mail in my mailbox.
And when i look to the logs files, i can see this :
sfMailerMessageLoggerPlugin Sending email "Please verify your account on MYPROJECT" to "email@test.com"
Inf开发者_运维问答ormations : this is my factories.yml's file :
class: sfMailer
charset: %SF_CHARSET%
delivery_strategy: realtime
class: Swift_SmtpTransport
host: smtp.gmail.com
port: 465
encryption: ssl
username: email@gmail.com
password: password
I'm using my app in localhost. The ssl extension is activated on php.ini
Can you help me please ? And sorry for my bad english!
check that this lines are not present in factories.yml:
delivery_strategy: none
Yes it's right, this lines are present in my factories.yml file. I deleted this lines and it solves my problem.
"dev" configuration is priority to "all" configuration.
Thanks you, and sorry form my bad english.