I've got a strange problem which I just can't figure out. I have currencies stored in my database as a decimal. I am reading from a CSV file and converting the string to a decimal to store in the database. The values don't seem to be stored correctly when inspecting the database, most are stored correctly but for some reason a value of 1000 that I have is stored as 1 and 2299 is stored as 2 so there are obviously problems with numbers over 999.99
I ran a database migration as follows:
def self.up
change_column(:transactions, :in, :decimal, :precision => 8, :scale => 2 )
change_column(:transactions, :out, :decimal, :precision => 8, :scale => 2)
Here is the code used to store the value from the CSV file:
def create
data = params[:dump][:file].read
FasterCSV.parse(data, :headers => true) do |row|
transaction = Transaction.new
transaction.date = Date.strptime(row[0], "%d/%m/%Y")
transaction.transaction_type = row[4]
transaction.details = row[3]
if row[7].to_f < 0
transaction.out = row[7].to_d.abs
transaction.in = row[7].to_d.abs
(The .abs is because money out values are just stored as negative values in the CSV file).
When I use the console to create a new transaction and convert a string of 1000 and store开发者_运维问答 it using the same method however then this works fine and the value is stored as 1000.0.
Does anybody have any idea why this would be? I wouldn't have though this is a FasterCSV issue but I suppose it's possible if the CSV numbers are not being read properly.
Thanks for any help,
Have you looked at the raw CSV data for a row with a value >= 1000? It sounds to me like the data is formatted with commas every 3 digits, and the to_d
method will ignore everything after the first comma in that case.
>> '1,123.41'.to_d
=> #<BigDecimal:10593e0a8,'0.1E1',9(18)>
If that's the problem, just strip the commas using gsub
>> '1,123.41'.gsub(',','').to_d
=> #<BigDecimal:105932398,'0.112341E4',18(18)>