I have a bound DataGrid and various other controls(external to the datagrid) that show more details about the selectedrow in the datagrid. T开发者_如何转开发his is easy to do with databinding or handling the SelectionChanged event on the datagrid.
However, how do I do this without requiring the user to select a row - eg on 'mouseover' can I change the selected item or get the row/item 'under' the mouse.
Try something like this in your container class like UserControl, Grid, StackPanel, etc...
public class MyContainerClass : FrameworkElement
public MyContainerClass()
base.Loaded += OnLoaded;
private void OnLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
m_DataGrid.MouseMove += OnMouseMove;
private void OnMouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
DataGridRow item = (sender as DependencyObject).ParentOfType<DataGridRow>();
if (item != null && m_DataGrid.SelectedIndex != item.GetIndex())
m_DataGrid.SelectedIndex = item.GetIndex();
And add this helper class extension...
internal static class DependencyObjectExt
// Extension for DependencyObject
internal static TT ParentOfType<TT>(this DependencyObject element) where TT : DependencyObject
if (element == null)
return default(TT);
while ((element = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(element)) != null)
if (element is TT)
return (TT)element;
return null;
Good luck,
Jim McCurdy
Here is a simpler but less generic implementation of Jim's answer. In VB.Net:
Private Sub DataGrid1_LoadingRow(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Controls.DataGridRowEventArgs) Handles DataGrid1.LoadingRow
AddHandler e.Row.MouseEnter, AddressOf row_MouseEnter
End Sub
Private Sub row_MouseEnter(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As MouseEventArgs)
Dim row = CType(sender, DataGridRow)
Me.DataGrid1.SelectedItem = CType(row.DataContext, MyType)
End Sub