How do I display the output text in Notepad rather than displaying it on the console in Java?
redirect it like this in your terminal.
java ClassName > your-file
java ClassName 1> your-file
1 stands for standard output.
2 stands for standard error.
0 stands for standard input.
use >>
for append mode, '<' for input mode.
if you need to redirect both error and output stream to a same file, try
java ClassName 2>&1 your-file
Or use the below java API calls in your code.
System.setErr(PrintStream err);
System.setIn(InputStream in);
System.setOut(PrintStream out);
Try this
public class RedirectIO
public static void main(String[] args)
PrintStream orgStream = null;
PrintStream fileStream = null;
// Saving the orginal stream
orgStream = System.out;
fileStream = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream("out.txt",true));
// Redirecting console output to file
// Redirecting runtime exceptions to file
throw new Exception("Test Exception");
catch (FileNotFoundException fnfEx)
System.out.println("Error in IO Redirection");
catch (Exception ex)
//Gets printed in the file
System.out.println("Redirecting output & exceptions to file");
//Restoring back to console
//Gets printed in the console
System.out.println("Redirecting file output back to console");
Hope it helps.
Use logging instead of system.out. check log4j or other logging apis. It will also help you in using the printing info,only debug, only errors etc.
Also if you want to set system out to a file you can do that through a command >> File