We all know that 42 is the answer to everything, but it's news to me that it is a valid credit card number.
Try entering '42' or '42176' into this jQuery Validation testing page and click OK.
What's going on? I thought this was supposed to be the de-facto validation library. Even Microsoft is using it now, but it thinks '42' and '42176' are valid credit card numbers?! It's not even doing a length check. Surely I'm not responsible for adding a length check too? It's called 'creditcard' validator and not 'luhn' validator.
Edit: hitchhiker humor aside - how would I开发者_运维百科 go about patching the validation plugin to check length. is that easy?
This is probably because this validator merely checks that the number supplied satisfies the LUHN-10 algorithm (which 42 satisfies since 4*2 + 2 = 10 which is 0 modulo 10).
A better validator should maybe check for a minimal number of digits.
I'm not sure this corresponds to the very latest code from jQuery, but I found the snippet associated with credit card validation:
// http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation/Methods/creditcard
// based on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luhn
creditcard: function(value, element) {
if ( this.optional(element) )
return "dependency-mismatch";
// accept only digits and dashes
if (/[^0-9-]+/.test(value))
return false;
var nCheck = 0,
nDigit = 0,
bEven = false;
value = value.replace(/\D/g, "");
for (n = value.length - 1; n >= 0; n--) {
var cDigit = value.charAt(n);
var nDigit = parseInt(cDigit, 10);
if (bEven) {
if ((nDigit *= 2) > 9)
nDigit -= 9;
nCheck += nDigit;
bEven = !bEven;
return (nCheck % 10) == 0;
... and as you see this merely check that all characters are digits and that LUHN-10 is satisfied, without any attention to a minial length.
You can combine the credit card rule with the minimum and maximum length rules to achieve what you want. That may seem like too much effort -- and I might agree -- though it does give you more control if you only want to accept certain card number lengths.
'#ccNum': {
creditcard: true,
required: true,
minlength: 13,
maxlength: 19
The length of credit card numbers can vary depending on the issuer (though yes, there's generally a minimum length of ~13 digits). However, since this is client-side validation, the focus is probably more on reducing the chance of a small typo, and less on checking arbitrary data. That should probably be done server-side.
I have corrected the jQuery validate function to consider credit card length in validation.
I added the following to the credit card validation code-
if (value.length > 19 || value.length<12)
return (false);
The complete code for the creditcard validation part is as follows:-
creditcard: function(value, element) {
if ( this.optional(element) )
return "dependency-mismatch";
// accept only digits and dashes
if (/[^0-9-]+/.test(value))
return false;
// Modified part to check minimum and maximum card length
if (value.length > 19 || value.length<12)
return (false);
var nCheck = 0,
nDigit = 0,
bEven = false;
value = value.replace(/\D/g, "");
for (n = value.length - 1; n >= 0; n--) {
var cDigit = value.charAt(n);
var nDigit = parseInt(cDigit, 10);
if (bEven) {
if ((nDigit *= 2) > 9)
nDigit -= 9;
nCheck += nDigit;
bEven = !bEven;
return (nCheck % 10) == 0;
I have hard coded the minimum and maximum card lengths as 12 and 19 respectively.